Friday, January 11, 2013


Have you ever been aware of the presence of a Goddess, but not quite sure who that Goddess was?  So was my relationship with Arianrhod in my teens…weaving my fate on her silver wheel and watching…yes, always watching (and usually shaking her head in dismay) as I often faltered along my spiritual path.

Arianrhod is a take no prisoners no nonsense goddess in my experience.  I was aware of her presence, but had no name for that figure with those eyes that could cut through all the BS.  I worked closely with Brighid back then…Brighid was patient.  Brighid was motherly.  Brighid would answer my questions with a smile.  But this one!  She made me nervous.  Observing from the corner, her quick fingers working with the thread on that beautiful wheel, I would catch her asking Brighid if I were ready yet.  The answer was always no.

I abandoned the Goddess path for many years once I reached college.  It wasn’t until I was in my late 30’s that I heard the call of the Goddess once more.  I recall that Imbolc ritual back in the 90’s when I went to dedicate myself to Brighid again…and she was stern, making it quite clear that there was no room for doubts.  Be a Priestess, or don’t be.  There is no middle ground.  I assured Brighid that I was in…present…ready for wherever she led me.  And poof…almost like a magician act…Brighid was gone and there stood Arianrhod.

This Goddess had a job for me and we started down a very bumpy highway to get the task done.  I held a ritual dedicating myself to Arianrhod, and many of my friends still claim it was one of the most powerful rituals they have ever experienced.  Years later, her plan was completed and I knew my reason for working with Arianrhod was finished.  We were done…and since she was finished with me, I expected her to fade away into the cosmos.  But that hasn’t happened.  She’s still with me, though I only feel her presence in times of trouble - her silver beacon like a warning light.  I take heed.  She has embraced me as her child and watches over me.  Reward for a job well done?  Where once her ever watching eyes unnerved me, I am now comforted that she is still there in the distance.  Weaving and watching.  Weaving and watching.  Though her task may have ended, I am still an unfinished project.  Pick up the next piece of thread and spin that web and let’s see where the Goddess takes me.

1 comment:

  1. I love learning more about you, your experiences and your path. Thanks for sharing!
